Here’s to the future!

It’s been quite a week; we’ve moved into our new home, helped by so many. This move was a vastly different experience from our last move which was filled with pain and sorrow. I had sobbed as I emptied boxes, overwhelmed by sin and betrayal. The rawness of my heartache was so acute I believed it would never heal.

This move was full of hope as we unpacked and moved in. Smiles and laughter replaced loss and sorrow. Love conquers and my recovery continues.

There is such staggering beauty in going God’s way and following the law of love. It’s led me to quiet waters and green pastures. God’s word has challenged me as I balked at what God asked me to do. I’ve had to work through his commands which have tested my faith to the limit, and yet it’s been the most enlightening and fulfilling journey of my life. Forgiveness, kindness, and love. Never bringing up past offences, loving and reacting as if I’ve never been hurt. Joyce Meyer says: “If we want to love people as Jesus instructed, we will have to do so on purpose. It will not happen by accident.”

So our future is bright. There will always be times of sorrow and regret as we think about what has been, but as we look ahead we understand that with God anything is possible. The future will be filled with great hope because great grace has covered and will go on covering.

My hope can’t ever be in my new home; I can appreciate it, enjoy it, entertain in it, but I pray with all my heart that my real treasure will be firmly rooted and grounded in my eternal home. In my wonderful beautiful saviour who gave up everything for me.

I thank God today for adversity. It has grown me, shaped me, taught and refined me. It’s prised my fingers from the world and onto my beautiful saviour. The law of God is love and it covers all wrongs. As we begin a new life in a new home repentance is the key. It opens up the way to God, it brings us back from deep darkness and utter lostness. It reconciles and restores. Repentance brings us mercy and reconciliation and it’s the only road that leads to a future which will be as bright as the promises of God.

Proverbs 28:13

[13] Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

We are a couple who have found that mercy. We pray that grace will continue to cover and mend every bit of brokenness that remains. The future is calling us and God will continue to help us in the life that he is making ready for us. I pray that our responses to each other would always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that the beauty of the gospel will be evident for all to see.

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